Salesperson Job Description

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Learn about the essential requirements, obligations, responsibilities, and skills that are helpful in a salesperson’s job description.

Salespeople are professionals responsible for selling a product or service to a business’s customers. They can work in smaller retail settings or for large corporations.

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Salesperson Job Description Template

Do you love connecting with customers and have a passion for sales? If so, you may be an excellent fit for our open salesperson position. We are hiring a salesperson to join our team and help drive customers into our store. You will be responsible for welcoming customers, building relationships with them, assisting them throughout the store, and handling their transactions. Successful candidates have an outgoing personalities, work well under pressure, and can multitask.

Salesperson Responsibilities

  • Have a thorough understanding of all offered products and services
  • Help customers find what they need and navigate the store
  • Handle customer complaints, questions, and concerns
  • Manage inventory and stock
  • Promote special offers as needed
  • Work with management to meet sales quotas

Salesperson Requirements 

  • High school diploma
  • Some advanced salesperson positions require a bachelor’s degree in sales or marketing
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience in customer service
  • The ability to work well alone or with a team

Salesperson Duties And Responsibilities

Have a thorough understanding of all offered products and services 

As a salesperson, having a thorough knowledge of all offered products and services is essential. Not only does this allow them to answer any questions a customer might have, but it also allows them to provide accurate information. They also can make recommendations to meet the customer’s needs best, increasing the chance of making a sale.

Help customers find what they need and navigate the store

One of the critical responsibilities of a salesperson is to help customers find what they need. They also help them navigate the store, which requires them to know its layout and where products are located. A salesperson creates a positive shopping experience for customers by providing this guidance and support.

Promote special offers as needed 

As part of their job, a salesperson has to promote special offers when necessary. Whether the promotion is a discount, credit card, or another incentive, salespeople need to know everything about it to explain it to customers. Having strong communication and persuasion skills helps with this responsibility.

Related: Best Sales Jobs

Work with management to meet sales quotas 

Collaborating with management is another salesperson’s responsibility, which requires taking direction well and working on a team without complication. By working together, salespeople can learn from management to help increase sales goals and contribute to the organization’s overall success.

Handle customer complaints, questions, and concerns

Handling customer complaints, questions, and concerns is an essential responsibility of a salesperson. They actively listen to customers, professionally addressing their needs. Having excellent customer service skills helps salespeople build customer loyalty, making them more likely to return.

Salesperson Salary And Job Outlook

Median National Salary: $49,258

Education Required: High school diploma

Number of Jobs: A decrease of 164,500 over the next decade

Job Growth 2020 – 2030: No change

The Bottom Line

Salespeople can work in a variety of industries, from tech to retail. Their main responsibility is helping meet customer needs to ensure they’re confident with their purchase.

To see where employers are searching for salespeople candidates, check our list of the best free job posting sites. If you want to add a salesperson to your team, post your salesperson job description on ZipRecruiter today!