Taking Yourself And Your Team To The Next Level With Kelly McClellan

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Table Of Contents

In this episode, Justin Dux chats with Kelly McClellan. Kelly is a Career and Leadership expert with over 20 years of experience in training and developing people, leaders, and teams. With more than 3000 coaching hours, she is on a mission to help people create a life and career they love.

Equal parts coach, consultant, and cheerleader, Kelly works with clients in financial services, healthcare, CPG, and technology who are looking to take themselves and their teams to the next level.


  • Kelly’s background
  • Kelly’s journey to coaching
  • Advice for resume gaps
  • Career accelerators and changes


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Speaker 1 (00:00):

Welcome to career cloud radio, Angela Bouche and myself, Justin ducks are hosting today. Career cloud.com is your resource for tips, tricks, and tools to shorten your job search become a modern job seeker by listening to these episodes or reading articles on our website, job hunting sucks. We're here to make it better with us. Today is Kelly McClellan and Angela Bouche. Angela has been on the show before and offered resume writing advice and tips. She introduced me to Kelly. Kelly has completed over 2,500 individual coaching sessions. Wait a minute. What am I doing here? I don't interview them if you've been listening to the show, you know that I start every episode with the same dreaded job interview question. So Kelly, tell me a little bit about yourself

Speaker 2 (00:50):

So much, Justin. I'm really glad to be here. So I come by way of training and development and many, many years working in the financial services industry and the healthcare industry, building out training programs, onboarding people, helping leaderships, helping leaders become growing in the organization and building out programs for them. And somewhere along the line that got to be too much. And so I actually took my own break from the action in the corporate space and I took a year off. And when I came back from that, or when I was starting to come back from that, what I needed to do is really figure out where I wanted to put my best energies. And I knew that from my old work, which I did love and training and development is still near and dear to my heart, I realized that the best part of my job was working one-on-one and helping people get to where they want to be in their career.

Speaker 2 (01:46):

And so when an opportunity arose at a large university to work with MBA students, that seemed like a really good fit for me, because that was a great time in a person's career, that young, early professional. And it was also a really in motivating and bright student who was ready to take on the world and their own career and in their own way. And so I took that job and have loved it. And shortly thereafter, I realized that I still had an itch that needed scratching, and I wanted to have my own little shop, my own little shingle, and so a little bit after taking that job and becoming a career coach and working with the students, I opened up my own practice and I started serving people outside of the MBA program. And so now I work with both professionals in technology and med device and CPG and financial services, of course, because that's my background and helping them finding a life and a career that they love. And so it's really been great for me because I get the balance of the student perspective that I really enjoy as well as the tenured experienced professional and helping them become leaders in your organization or finding work and onto bigger and better adventures in their career.

Speaker 1 (02:57):

And Angela, how did you end up meeting Kelly?

Speaker 3 (02:59):

I actually met Kelly through another career coach that I work with.

Speaker 2 (03:05):

So Angela comes highly recommended for her resume writing skills. And I was looking for help to help with some clients that we had some special needs for that I had special needs bar and someone recommended Angela. So that's how we started hanging up.

Speaker 1 (03:21):

Perfect. And one of the things that stood out to me when you said come back, because I've recently, I've had a few mindfulness people on the show and they've kind of introduced me to the concept of being present and meditation. I even choke saying that word because I was so skeptical of the word for many years, but today's lesson on a cell phone app was literally come back, come back, come back to now, why don't we come back for you to that moment and finding what I think is reserved for a lot of elite people, a lot of rich wealthy people get the luxury of finding a career that's a perfect fit for them working with MBA students. Would you say that those are those do you see a lot of elites or is it actually a big, better mix than that?

Speaker 2 (04:15):

I think that the landscape of the MBA really is diversifying a lot more than the elites, I think. Yes, absolutely. There's still that element that's there there's that prestige that comes with the MBA, but in reality, the MBA and the student that wants the MBA is really evolving. It is moving into students that want to have what they call the triple bottom line. So not only doing well for the company, but wealth for the world and well for the employees and that sort of shift is happening more and more every year as we see more students come through. So it's not unusual to have a lot of students with a social enterprise approach to their future job search, not just your traditional consultant or marketing manager or finance person that have been traditionally, the MBA targets, right? Those are the longstanding theaters for those types of students. But now it's definitely much broader to social enterprise nonprofit government work. That sort of thing is where the MBA is growing. Okay.

Speaker 1 (05:17):

But it's not getting to the point of jumping the shark. Is it, you know, to use a term from the nineties, but like I've heard those mock interviews. I've heard those people talking about wanting to make an impact on the world, as well as an impact to the company. I got to say like, if all six candidates say that, like sometimes I want to be like, we sell laptops here. We're not changing the world. You know? Like sometimes I want to be like a, yeah, I'll six has this, like, I don't know. We're changing the world here.

Speaker 2 (05:46):

Yeah, that's true. So I think where you find the differences like that whole, you know, tell me about yourself or that whole like star story that's imparting on them, why you want to be that company. And what's important about the work that, that they do. Every student resonates with a different part of that companies at the house, right? So what might be really important? You can take any big fortune 500 company name and somebody will be drawn to it because they realize, oh, their supply chain area is really working on sustainability. I'm drawn to that. Or yeah, I really do want to feed the world and they're drawn to that. And so there's all these different things and that's why the students, you know, I talk a lot about the three levers of a job search. There's the industry, there's the function and there's the geography.

Speaker 2 (06:31):

And so when you look at those three things, the student or the person, the job searchers, always wanting to have different things that resonate to them. And so in the industry, you might be really passionate about sustainability and find that turns out manufacturing is making some great strides. And what you think used to be the big devil is now absolutely going to be leading some of the change or in healthcare. You don't want to dance with the devil because it's the health insurance company. But yet if you get on the inside, then you can really impart big change to help shift things to a different place than what you want it to be. And so there's absolutely this alignment of values that has to happen. And I don't think you can fake it. So even though the student might say, all six, students might say something, you can still feel out the authenticity and the genuineness, how those elements of the company, I really resonated with them.

Speaker 1 (07:21):

All right. That's a great point about the authenticity, because you can definitely sound fake if you're trying to get your way into a nonprofit and you just read their mission last night. Like one thing that I think has really broken that through for people to find it, cause they've never thought of it in that way is I used the question. When did you know, when did you know this was the industry for you? When did you know this was the skill set for you? And I don't care where, or when that moment is, what I get back is that authenticity, this happened recently with a student at Normandale. I asked him that question and his answer, and you gotta understand, previous 30 minutes were dry, like chronological fact listing I'm in this program, I'm going to become a nurse. I mean, you know, I graduated 20, 21, you know, it was like, okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (08:15):

You and 18 other candidates. What about you? Who are you? Right. And I hit him with that question and you guys, he blew me away. He comes back with, well, I didn't grow up in America. When my, my community in Africa, I had a clinic outside the clinic and nurses would visit the community to treat our families. And I was really fascinated and I would watch them and it was back then that I decided I was going to become a nurse like them. But then I had the challenge of, I couldn't really get a nursing program in Africa. I had to come to America to study. And that's why I'm here at this community college Normandale community college. And I'm like dropping the mic going, okay, that's it. That's your whole interview right there. Like way higher impact than the list you just gave me.

Speaker 2 (09:04):

No kidding. That was burying the headline for sure. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:08):

Now what I find hard Angela, to your comment, like what I find difficult is there some things that work well in the interview, but are really difficult to put on paper? Wouldn't you agree? As, as the writer in the room, like, I don't know that what I just shared you about his story shows up in a summary section on the paper maybe

Speaker 3 (09:26):

And a cover letter. Right, right. I can see there or it's an accomplishment somewhere. Yep. But yeah, that's tough.

Speaker 1 (09:36):

That's it is. And getting that personal, you need the extra sentences of the cover letter. So I just told, talked about an example of somebody crossing an ocean. There's another ocean that people feel like they need to cross, but it's a little bit more figurative. Let's say a candidates coming at you, Kelly with a gap on their resume. What advice do you have for them, if at all, does this come up in any point in there other than some dates on their resume or in their mentions in their interview?

Speaker 2 (10:10):

Well, I actually had a gap myself. So I really resonate with this question because I took a year off before switching gears and doing my corporate life and moving into the higher ed and ultimately the business owner life. So I, I have a lot of empathy for people that are facing that, the gap isn't scary. You just have to know the narrative that supports the gap and the gap. That's closer to the real time. So the gap that's closer to now could in fact, be something that needs addressed, you needs to be addressed so that people understand where the shift has happened or why the shift has happened. But something that is three, four or five years back, there's not an issue. It does not matter anymore. But oftentimes what I'm talking to people around their gap is in certainly in the pandemic, it doesn't matter any.

Speaker 2 (11:00):

Recruiter's going to recognize that in this time, in this day and age, there have been a lot of shifts. A lot of people were laid off. There were a number of departments and teams that had to make some really tough choices. And so no one's going to hold that against you. What I think is important. Now, if we talk specifically about the pandemic is what did you use that time to do? Did you upscale? Did you take a class? Did you use it for networking? Did you somehow enhance volunteer work? There's also another good thing. So how did you not let that slow you down? And in fact, continue to grow during that time, because that makes for a really great narrative and how you explain how you're preparing yourself to reenter the space. If it's something different, if it's about a family member, if it's about a health issue, if it's about something that you have stayed home for a couple of years now, you're reentering the workforce.

Speaker 2 (11:47):

Those are all still really valid examples. There's nothing wrong with that. As your explanation, it is also that you're showing what, where are the pivots coming from? What's your motivation, how you're still attracted to this particular role, this particular company, and what are the skills that you're bringing to the table, even if it has been a gap. So you're still going to bring it in. You're going to weave it into your narrative. I don't think you should hide it. You certainly can't from your resume anyway. So it's about how do you position in context with the other gifts and talents that you bring to the table?

Speaker 1 (12:18):

Like when you said you're not going to hide it because I think that's exactly the hangup that people have is they think that it needs to be hidden or masked in some way. And it, it really doesn't like, oh, let's put some dates on it for people, March of 2022, I'm going to make a prediction here a little bit, June or July of 20, 21. Anything in those dates, if it's empty, no one's hiring manager. I would not bother to ask about it like March 20, 20 to July, 2021. I think I know why you were at home. Like, what are you going to learn? That's valuable about the candidate by even inquiring. So I say it with that tone of voice though, on purpose, I'm trying to sound dismissive because I want to break the mental myth that they need to hide it. I want to make it sound that dismissible.

Speaker 2 (13:10):

Yeah, agreed. There's a lot of shame that people carry with gaps in, in many cases. And that's not what I want a candidate to feel. That's not how they want to one. We don't want that to feel like they even have to feel shameful about it because they don't. But also it just is, it is weight and energy that weighs you down so that you still, you want to be able to present your best self. And that is just fact, it's not a judgment. It just happened. And then we move on with the other facts and figures that, that we have as part of our history. It's not bad.

Speaker 1 (13:44):

Yes. You just gave me a great idea. I'm going to do something for us here. You're going to provide feedback. I'm going to do two examples and I'm going to do an example showing the shame you just described and not showing the shame, but my point, I don't want to ruin the point. So I think you're going to hit it anyway. So I'll say the fact, the fact is I'm going to try to attempt to say the same story twice about that period of time. And you give me some feedback on those. Okay, that's fine. I'm just, role-playing here. So I'm a candidate. I think I need to bring up what I did in the gap. And I start talking in one of the job interview answers like this in 2020, I did get laid off at first. It was rough. I did catch up on a couple of TV shows, but I started around June of last year.

Speaker 1 (14:29):

I started to realize that the election was really important to me. So I did start volunteering my time for a campaign or two, depending on which candidate I was supporting at the time I made a lot of phone calls, made a lot of, you know, provided as much expertise as I could or help. And that was my way to stay involved and stay engaged in the in the, in the workplace, you know, volunteering my F my skills in manner for a few months there up until the election in November. And then now since November, I've gotten another certification and then, you know, something more relevant to exactly what I'm doing here today. And what interested me about this role was, and that would end there, you know, let's say right, I'm just, role-playing here, but that's just one illustration, one version. Yep. I'm going to do another version right away before you give feedback and try to say the same story again, somewhere in the interview, one of the questions probably early, they feel like they need to bring up what happened during that gap.

Speaker 1 (15:25):

And he starts talking and says, well, in 2020, I was laid off right off the bat. I did kind of watch some TV for a little bit. There was some shows on my backlog. I wanted to watch and I did, but around April may, I definitely realized I wanted to do something. I wasn't feeling like I was accomplishing enough. And so looking at what was happening and it was, you know, big election going on, one of the biggest I've felt for years. So I definitely volunteered my time and tried to help my candidate win at that time, by making phone calls and sending emails and writing letters and doing anything I could to do for something I thought was important, you know, and then about November, the election was over. So I turned my attention to learning and I learned a new skill. I've got a certification in this Salesforce platform. And that's what brought me to this opportunity to hear today. You know, I was really interested in how some of what I used to do in this old industry. And some of these other kind of go get or attitudes would really lead, lend me be valuable to this role here. All right, hit me. What did you hear between option one and option two.

Speaker 2 (16:26):

Yeah. So in option one, of course there was a board hesitancy. There was a little bit more uncertainty about where you were going to say and where it was all going to go. Like, what were the reasons that you were doing all of those things and how that timeline was playing out. And while as you were going through it, you certainly showed how you started to do some activities and engage and be present if you will, in the collection and then onto your certification, it didn't really feel like there was a plan in place, or it didn't feel like you were heading in a real intentional way. Compare that to the second one, which was very intentional, right? So even if you didn't know the whole plan, you absolutely showed this natural progression of where you were going, just like a ladder. And so ultimately it made total sense that you went from the election to lectures is done.

Speaker 2 (17:16):

Now I'm going to like upscale a little bit more, and now I'm going to go to and be ready for the next thing. And so I felt like not only was there not shamed, but there was a momentum you were going to bring with you. And that if you could have momentum, when you were in a downside and you didn't have purpose, if you will. And I use that in quotes, but you also had this energy behind you that made sure you were going to still be productive and successful. And if you can do that, when you don't have a job, imagine what you could do with the job.

Speaker 1 (17:45):

That's excellent. And you hit the nail on the head of one, the angles and points I wanted to make with the comparison as well, is that tone and hesitancy. And that what I'm about to say, I know what I'm about to say is an illusion in a way, I said, essentially the same facts in both stories, but I put the character on them. Like they were on purpose and intentional to your point. And so like that, I think communicates a different message. And that's, what's so important about this shame around a gap on your resume is that you can communicate that narrative through these cues. That aren't so much the words themselves. That's right. That's exactly right. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (18:34):

Frank Blake was a guest on career cloud radio on November 9th, 2020, but the,

Speaker 5 (18:39):

The difference is going to be who is willing to put in the preparation ahead of time to win.

Speaker 4 (18:44):

I'd like to remind you that Frank site, my job ology.com offers an an interview preparation course packed with one hour of lessons that will differentiate yourself from the competition. Learn how to present yourself as the most qualified candidate in these four modules, career cloud listeners get half off the current price with the code career cloud lowercase, one word don't dismiss this discount opportunity. You will get the full value of learning from an expert and maximum confidence in your next interview, you can download a free workbook or even just purchase the first lecture before buying the entire course. So head on over to my job, ology.com,

Speaker 5 (19:26):

You gain a tremendous amount of confidence just through preparation. So if you put in the hard work ahead of time, you're going to show up to the table so much more confident.

Speaker 4 (19:37):

The website is spelled M Y J O B O L O G y.com. My job ology.com.

Speaker 1 (19:47):

Welcome back. We're speaking with Kelly Maclellan and Angela Bouche, and we're doing our recurring segment out of context. And This is where I take something Kelly wrote out there on the internet and throw it back in her face and see what she wants to say about it. Now, in a different context, Angela, what did we pick for her today?

Speaker 3 (20:13):

When my organization reorganized and my role in some of my teams positions were eliminated, I was devastated. I was close to my team and wanted them to know that regardless of if I was officially their leader or not, they still could count on me and our relationship could continue. So I maintained weekly one-on-ones with one of my managers during the job hunt process. This proved to be a good decision for the both of us. I continued to do what I enjoyed and my manager got the support she needed while she looked for other

Speaker 1 (20:47):

Opportunities. This was one of your articles you wrote on LinkedIn. I believe Kelly. I'm not saying the name because it'll kind of give away why you would included that, but what are some of your thoughts, hearing that again, re read by Angela? Yeah,

Speaker 2 (21:02):

That was a really challenging time because we all, I think that there's almost, I wish I could pull a stat to actually say the actual numbers, but I don't think many of us get away with not having a job loss that's unexpected in that particular case, it was a very unexpected job loss. And not only was, I heard for myself personally, but I was just devastated for my team. And so much, like we said, in the example that you did in the previous segment around how do you position yourself and how do you spend that downtime that you didn't expect to have for job search? For the, both of us, it's still very much gave us purpose during that time. And I felt like I was still helping her, even though I wasn't technically her leader anymore. And I was still very much needing to feel like she was going to be okay. That was kind of how I wanted to make sure that her next opportunity was going to come sooner than later, because I knew her situation was a little bit more.

Speaker 1 (22:01):

And this person reported to you in this story. So then you had to give them the bad news that they were laid off.

Speaker 2 (22:08):

We were given the bad news separately by the leader above me. So we're both laid off. We were both laid off. Wow. Yeah, we were both laid off. And so it was a really challenging time. Like I said, I don't think many people escape a layoff of some thing throughout the course of their career. Right. And so it was a, it was one of those scenarios where the entire team was done. And so I was just aching for, for the people that were under me to have a land as softly, as possible, as quickly as possible. And so, yeah, we kind of helped each other for many weeks during that time.

Speaker 1 (22:43):

Right. And what stood out to me about this paragraph? Because it was in the context of an article about how to lead when there's no one to lead a really great point to bring this up. And it was under the heading of you know, finding an accountability partner. I thought that was clever, but I don't want to go down that main point. I wanted to talk about you because that's why I chose this point, because I think it shows some of your secret sauce that you would choose to continue that relationship in that manner, because you knew yourself enough to know that you could add value with those continued one-on-ones and support in that way. And that's rare. That is so rare. The average boss doesn't think like that the average boss would actually worry that they can even choose that path. Right? Like what am I supposed to do now? You know, and I got to say, I misread it. I thought when I read that paragraph, I thought you were still employed just like not her boss anymore and him, his or her boss. And like that person had to move teams or something. So like, you're on separate teams. Now when

Speaker 2 (23:50):

I writing my writing or it could have been that particular layoffs stung. And so I definitely, initially wasn't singing to the Hilltop. That, that was my reality. When I wrote that article, it was five years later, seven years later, something like that. It was quite a bit of time had passed. But yeah, I think back on that, and it was very much a time where I needed to be of service and help the others get to where they need to be

Speaker 1 (24:20):

In standup comedy. We've got a phrase. Let me see if I butcher it. Cause I'm not a professional, but tragedy plus time equals comedy. Well, then you just talked about a difficult situation. Plus time it turned into a LinkedIn bestseller, LinkedIn article, Angela, I'm curious, turning it back over to you. You had to read it aloud. So thank you for doing that, but like, do you have any questions or thoughts that came up while you were reading that as you're hearing this story through the page?

Speaker 3 (24:50):

I just wish there were more leaders that did the same thing. I really do.

Speaker 1 (24:56):

I do. I wish it was a normal, I think it's called outplacement. I wish companies would invest in that, like laying off a hundred employees should have some contracted coaches or contracted resume writers and say, we chose to lay you off. Here's how we help you land, you know? Like, can you imagine if that was your last two weeks in a company, that'd be great, Kelly, you, if you heard of anything like that, I sure I only heard of it from somebody in your shoes. That doesn't mean it's like commonplace yet or anything.

Speaker 2 (25:27):

Yeah. So in my particular case, when this happened, it is not uncommon for the larger companies to have contracted services without placement companies. And there are a number of them out there, but they, and I didn't actually leverage it at that point in my, in that point in the, in the process for many reasons. And I also knew that I was going to take this break. So that was what, there's a longer story that goes with it, but that was part of what made that break happen. And so I did leverage those services when they were available, but they were also felt very impersonal. And so that, you know, you were just kind of shuttled off to this thing that you didn't get, you didn't get a Kelly or you didn't get an Angela to start your new adventure or your new pathway. And so that is definitely not a common thing.

Speaker 1 (26:15):

You mentioned impersonal. And I saw you had mentioned that somewhere else as well. So I'm going to ask it as a question. I did do a couple of mock interviews and a group, small group session last month, three of them, four people each or three people each time, three to four people, each time small group setting. And I was exhausted afterwards. It was very difficult, very a lot of energy. I mean, we got a lot out of it. There was value and for the people that attended, but I'm questioning whether we should do those again. And you had made the comment before that job searching is hard and a very personal experience. Can you talk more about that and why you kind of don't sign yourself in more of a small group setting more you're either a large group or one-on-one.

Speaker 2 (26:58):

Yeah, I think that everybody's journey is different. And while there is all sorts of overlap and all sorts of general path that your job seeker is going to take, you know, it's not that everyone's gonna update the resume. Everybody's gonna need the network. Everyone's going to be working on their LinkedIn. Everyone's interviewing like, this is not unique, generally speaking, but the human is unique and where they are in their journey, where they are in their, what they know and what they don't know, their urgency or the runway that they have. All of those little factors, their comfort level with networking, their discomfort level, with networking, all of those things are going to make the job search unique to them. And it also can mean, do I have to upscale? Do I have to have better preparation for the role that I want to do next? All of those pieces are what make the little micro decisions of the job search unique and thus the journey very unique.

Speaker 1 (27:54):

That makes perfect sense. Going back to MBA is what are some of the challenges you've seen with those candidates that seem to be unique to MBA candidates

Speaker 2 (28:06):

Make to the MBA?

Speaker 1 (28:07):

And this might feel like a contradiction after just finishing saying that, you know, there's generalizations and then there's specific fans, but it was a question I prepped, cause I'm curious about it.

Speaker 2 (28:17):

So we talk about in the MBA space, we talk about career accelerators and career changers. So career accelerators, meaning mid marketing, and I want to be more marketing or a career changer. I'm an engineer and I want to go into consulting. And I think that you might be surprised in the MBA space that I would say in any given year, I probably have 30%, maybe 35% accelerators, but the vast majority of MBAs are actually career changers. People coming back to school to make a shift, to find a new area, to find a new function that plays on their old skills and allows them to sort of bring their new self to the table. And so very few people I think go to the MBA experience without some transition plan in mind. And so I think the accelerators are great because they want to go on to be the leaders of that particular function or that particular industry area. But most of them are actually coming from a different background and wanting to reset or redirect themselves to their next, their next role post program.

Speaker 1 (29:22):

Sorry, I'm just staring at that number 2,500 individual coaching sessions. Yeah. That's a lot. That's a lot.

Speaker 2 (29:33):

That's an old number two is probably closer to 4,000 now

Speaker 1 (29:36):

I slammed that number earlier. And honestly, I didn't write that one down because I was, I was like, that sounds too big. Nobody will believe her. How many years have you

Speaker 2 (29:46):

Been at this? I've been at this seven years.

Speaker 1 (29:49):

Wow. Yeah. So thinking back on those thousands, what would be your ideal next thousand people to work with?

Speaker 2 (29:59):

Where I really get a lot of energy are the people that are the forward-thinking, I'm looking for the next thing before I am faced with having to make an urgent choice. And so a lot of my clients are in a role that they are enjoying and maybe have been in the role for something like a year, maybe less. And they're starting to think, I know what my job is now, but I want to start being really proactive for the job I want next. And so that could mean how do I position myself for a leadership opportunity or it could mean I want to get a bigger, broader scope of responsibility in this particular area, or it could be I'm leading this group. And now I want to learn how I'm going to bring in this next round and lead through others. So once you're a leader, the next goal is to be a leader of leaders.

Speaker 2 (30:55):

And so there's those sort of progressive growth of a career that happens over time. And so I really like to work with the person that isn't necessarily, I need a new job, the second kind of searcher, more likely a I'm being very proactive and I'm managing my career and I'm managing the path best we can because there's always going to be things that are out of our control. But in terms of intention, going back to that word, which I do like a lot, what am I thinking about planning for and trying to move the chess board, if you will, to my next role and how that's going to fit into my overall career picture?

Speaker 1 (31:34):

Yeah. I like the chess board analogy. It might not know the next move, but you know that the pieces are there and you know, what those pieces are to work with and they need a coach to kind of help you figure out, is it going to be a move of the night or is it a move of the Bishop? Let's talk about what each one will do for you. Yeah. So if people want to reach out to you, Kelly, where should they go?

Speaker 2 (31:53):

Yeah. If you want to reach out to me, I have a website it's Kelly maclellan.com. And you can, you can reach out with a contact form and I will return your email immediately.

Speaker 1 (32:05):

And then where can we find you on Twitter? You

Speaker 2 (32:08):

Know, I'm not a Twitter girl, but I am on LinkedIn. And so what I would say is, as I am, although we hadn't talked about it much, I am a serial networker. So by all means, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn. I would love to have coffee. I love to meet new people and just find out what you do and how you are and where I might be able to help you. So all of that is welcome.

Speaker 1 (32:30):

Sorry. I thought you had said that Kelly McMillan

Speaker 2 (32:36):

My Twitter is quiet. My bird is tweeting. Yeah. It's, it's, it's more of a S a week chirp than an actual Twitter.

Speaker 1 (32:49):

I'm debating whether or not to leave that in. I think it's kind of, it's kind of funny actually, because, so I, I'm not big on Twitter either, but Salesforce Ohana is what I work in. And so I do look in like once every few weeks just to see what the Ohana is talking about, but I generally follow like 50 people, like comment once or twice. And then I go cam out. I haven't done that's enough player. It's so different to me.

Speaker 2 (33:19):

Yeah. I have to say like the vast majority of my activity is on LinkedIn. So

Speaker 1 (33:23):

Cool. Well, it's a professional space to be. I really appreciate you coming on the show and sharing with us. Is there any parting thoughts crossing your mind when you picture job seekers and possibly what they're thinking about to,

Speaker 2 (33:39):

I think the one thing I want to say, if you're, if you're listening to this now, and then you are in a search and that, you know, you're feeling a little bit stressed because it's the pandemic. I would just say there is so much opportunity out there. And a lot of job seekers might've felt like there wasn't opportunity, but there's actually quite a bit of opportunity. And it's only going to begin opening up. Even more businesses may have held back early on in the pandemic, but when I'm seeing on the floor and what I'm seeing in my day to day is still lots of openings and lots of movement. And I think even more movement is coming the future. So lots of good energy to those who are in the search mode and good luck with the next adventure that they happen to be

Speaker 1 (34:23):

Right. And that's a good time to get a coach because you want to get in there a few months early talking to the coach, having that strategy, putting on the ground. And then when it starts to open up, you just start to get in there. Angela had to step away for a moment, but I know some of what she's doing. She's got the bridges resumes. So if you want any advice about your resume or something, feel free to send her an email there. Oh, great. Angela's back, Angela. What was the email that they should send the request to? You can find

Speaker 2 (34:53):


Speaker 1 (34:57):

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