Average Salary Information for US Workers 2022

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Have you ever wondered what the average salary for a U.S. worker is? In this article, we will break down the average salary for workers in the United States.

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Many across the country debate this issue when you’re average person in the United States made an estimated $53,924 per year during the first quarter of 2022. This is based on an average weekly salary of $1,037, which is slightly higher than the last quarter of 2021.

Many things factor into calculating a person’s salary, though, like race, sex, and geographic location – increasing or decreasing the amount a person gets paid. There are discrepancies among these categories, with some faring better than others. Likewise, all of these factors intersect with one another. Having a good resume can also impact your salary. Let’s take a deeper look at these factors.

Factors that Influence the Average U.S. Salary

All statistics (except for geographic location) reported are from the First Quarter 2022 Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Age is a significant factor that impacts the way a person is paid. For men, the highest-earning age group was 65+ at $66,612. Women aged 45-54 earned the highest median salary at $55,276.  Younger ages proved to have closer earnings than older ones, with people ages 16-24 only having a 9.5% difference between male and female salaries. People in this age group also had the lowest overall salaries.

Differences In Gender 

It’s no secret that there is a noticeable difference in what men and women are paid across industries. In 2020, the Pew Research Center reported that the gender pay gap was as relevant as ever, with women earning only 84% of what men earned. This accounts for 42 additional days of work. By the first quarter of 2022, this had lessened some; the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the gap had reduced to 83.1%. The median female weekly income was $939, with their male counterparts earning $1,128. Yearly salaries were $48,828 and $58,656 for men and women.

Race and Ethnicity 

Similar to the gender pay gap, there has also historically been significant discrepancies in the amount that different races and ethnicities are paid. The following statistics were reported for different ethnic groups:

  • White/Caucasian - $55,328
  • Black/African-American - $43,680
  • Hispanic/Latino/a - $41,548
  • Asian - $70,824

There are also gender differences between ethnic groups. In the ratio between male and female earnings, Black women had the closest earnings to Black men at 93.2% – meaning that this was a smaller gap than any other ethnic group.

Types Of Jobs 

Type of occupation has an impact on your salary. The top-earning career might surprise you. As of 2022, those employed in management, business, and financial operations had the highest median salary at $80,444. The lowest paying occupation was transportation and material moving at $40,248.

However, there are always outliers. Employers may pay more depending on several factors, including geographic location and education. Professionals that require more education may also pay more.

Education Matters 

Not surprisingly, the more education a person has, the more money they earn. For many, education is an investment they make to create more opportunities for themselves and their family. Research from the 2019 Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown a steady increase in average salary from those with less than a high school diploma (around $31,000) to those with a doctoral or other professional degrees (around $98,000). Since then, wages have only increased. However, you don’t have to have the most advanced degree out there to make a decent wage. Those with a Bachelor’s degree are less likely to be unemployed and make (on average) $1 million more in their lifetime than those with a high school diploma. Improving from 2019, 2022 statistics show that individuals with a Bachelor’s degree make an annual salary of $79,300.

Geographic Location 

Did you know that your location could impact your average salary? Geographical factors like the cost of living are considerations that employers consider when determining salaries. Whether this is a fair measure of payment is left up for debate.

Related: How To Negotiate Salary

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Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the average salary of a US worker? 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a US worker is $53,924 as of the beginning of 2022. The data comes from people of all levels of education, professions, and demographics.

How do you find the average salary? 

Government organizations like the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics will usually publish a quarterly report detailing the average wages. In addition to that, there are many salary calculators available online that can help you find the average salary for your chosen profession, geographic location, or other factors.

What is considered a good salary in the US? 

On average, anything above $50,000 is determined to be a “good” salary. However, this is dependent on where you live, what your expenses are, and many other aspects of your life.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know the average salary in general and across specific populations, are you ready to start the job search process? If so, the best place to do that is ZipRecruiter. They are one of the leading job search sites in the country, taking a humanized approach to help you find the perfect position.