Account Manager Job Description

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Table Of Contents

Learn about the important requirements, obligations, responsibilities, and skills that should be in an account manager job description.

An account manager works with clients in a customer-facing role, developing and executing strategies to help them maximize profitability. You will build and cultivate long-lasting relationships with clients. Your goal will be to find the best products to meet the clients needs and build a mutually beneficial relationship. Responsible for data collection, establishing sales leads, and identifying and analyzing marketing trends.

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Account Manager Job Description Template

We are searching for a dynamic and experienced Account Manager to join our team. In this role, you will be responsible for representing the client as their advocate, ensuring their needs are being met and they have a great customer experience. You will be managing a portfolio of clients to drive sales growth, including managing the client’s strategic direction and nurturing the business relationship.

The candidate will be working in a customer-facing role and should have excellent customer service skills and a strong background in sales. You should have a passion to help others, along with strong communication skills and interpersonal skills.

Account Manager Responsibilities

  • Establish and nurture business relationships with clients
  • Communicate with clients to understand their needs
  • Collect and review data to study customer behavior
  • Work closely across multiple teams to ensure customer satisfaction and retention
  • Develop and execute sales strategies
  • Resolving customer complaints
  • Meet sales targets
  • Monitor market trends and developments to uncover areas of opportunity

Account Manager Requirements 

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 2+ years experience in sales or account management
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, interpersonal, and negotiation skills
  • Strong salesperson
  • Proficiency with CRM software like Salesforce
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Well-organized, excellent multitasker with time management skills
  • Willingness to travel

Account Manager Duties And Responsibilities


You will work closely with clients, being their advocate, and recommending products that help them maximize their return and achieve their goals. Develop and execute account strategies. Meet and exceed sales targets and quotas.

Communication and Collaboration

Communicate effectively and be able to provide critical feedback and receive feedback. Collaborate across cross-functional teams like customer service, product development, marketing, and others. Listen to clients, identify new business opportunities, communicate, and execute business strategies.

Relationship Building

You will meet with and communicate with clients, and establish and nurture the business relationship. You will be responsible for developing and executing account strategies to maximize profitability and returns.

Customer Service

Practice excellent customer service and handle customer feedback/escalations, as needed. Resolving client issues, as they arise. Be the client’s advocate and act in their best interest to help meet and exceed their goals.


Perform record keeping. Preparing and presenting sales reports to clients and senior management. Maintain accurate records of client conversations and interactions.

Do you want to become an account manager? Start by working with a resume writing service to craft a compelling resume.

Account Manager Salary And Job Outlook

Median National Salary: $65,816/year

Education Required: Bachelor’s degree

Number of Jobs: 832,603

Job Growth 2022 – 2032: 4% (As fast as average)

The Bottom Line

You can use this as a template for your account manager job description. If you want to post your job listing on multiple job boards, check out our resource on the top free job posting sites.

Post your Account Manager job description on ZipRecruiter today!